Artisan Sourdough Bread Recipe – Simple and Easy (Video)
This artisan sourdough bread recipe is simple and easy and will give you the keys to successfully bake beautiful sourdough bread. This is a great beginners recipe and it’s actually the first sourdough bread I ever made several years ago. I’ve been working with sourdough for over 15 years, and over time I’ve learned a lot of tips and tricks for success that I’m here to share with you. My goal is to make sourdough baking simple for you. Sourdough does not need to take over your life – it can easily fit into the margins of your day. If you follow the steps in this recipe, you’ll learn the art of working with sourdough, and have the satisfaction of making delicious fresh sourdough bread for you and your family.

History of Artisan Sourdough Bread
When you make artisan sourdough, you’re following in the footsteps of our ancestors as they made artisan sourdough bread around the fire with just the simple ingredients they had available. Flour, water and salt is all that is needed to make this incredible gut healthy and life giving bread. In the old days and during simpler times, bread was considered the staff of life, and was a part of every meal. This was before commercial yeast was available, so the only way to make a risen loaf of bread was with sourdough.
As I follow this traditional method of bread baking, I like to think of all the mothers and grandmothers during the homesteading days of this country who mixed up the daily loaf of bread before climbing aboard their covered wagon on their way to the homestead of their dreams. They may have given it a quick stretch and fold when they stopped for lunch, and by the time they pitched camp for the night, the bread was ready for baking. This hands off, and flexible approach to bread making worked well for those women trying to keep their families fed while traveling to and building their homesteads. Homesteading was a lot of work, unpredictable and challenging in those days just the same as it can be today. Finding a simple and easy approach to making beautiful bread is what suits my busy homestead life today, and I think you’ll find that it’s flexibility suits your life as well.

Artisan Sourdough Made Simple
Remember, back in the early homestead days they didn’t have scales, timers, fancy equipment and probably didn’t even follow a sourdough recipe. They just knew how much flour and water to mix with their starter to make their bread. This is the kind of understanding I want to give you for the sourdough bread making process. You likely won’t feel super comforable with it until you’ve made it a few times, but practice makes perfect, and if you happen to have a failed batch, you can always turn it into amazing bread crumbs and still use it in your cooking. Just jump in and start, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly the sourdough process becomes intuitive for you. The printable recipe below is measured in cups similar to how our ancestors might have measured their ingredients. I will also give measurements in grams for those that have a scale and want to be more precise in measuring their ingredients.
What are the health benefits of sourdough?
Anytime you add a fermented element like sourdough to a recipe, it becomes more nutritious because it contains live probiotics and good bacteria that help with gut health and digestion. Gluten and phytic acid are naturally present in wheat, and are usually what is to blame for people not being able to digest gluten well. When the grain is fermented through the sourdough process, the gluten and phytic acid are broken down, making it easier to digest. A lot of people that struggle with gluten intolerance (not people with celiac), can digest food made with sourdough without any issue, especially if the recipe is allowed to sit out for a few hours and “long ferment”.

In addition, phytic acid is an anti-nutrient that blocks absorption of the nutrients found in wheat. During the sourdough fermentation process, the phytic acid gets broken down and the nutrients are more bio-available to the body. This is why baking with sourdough is so important for our health.
Simple Sourdough Bread Ingredients
Flour, water, and salt is all that is needed to make this bread and it always amazes me what you can make with such simple ingredients. You can use any kind of flour in this artisan sourdough bread. Bleached or unbleached all purpose flour, bread flour, or even whole grain flour. Unbleached flour is obviously healthier for you, and bread flour will make a more beautiful loaf than just all purpose flour because it is higher in protein, but any of these flours will work. If you use whole grain or whole wheat flour, I suggest using at least half all purpose or bread flour when making your bread for best results. A loaf made with 100% whole grain flour will be more dense than you will like.
Understanding The Basic Process
I think it’s helpful to gain an understanding of the basic process for making artisan sourdough bread. There are a lot of well meaning folks that like to make sourdough baking super scientific and difficult to understand, but I want you to know that it’s actually a very simple process. While this may seem like a lot of steps, once you understand each one you will realize they are actually very easy to follow. The hands on time for making this loaf of bread is less than 15 minutes total, and there is no kneading required. Most of the time the bread dough will just be sitting on your counter doing it’s thing, and you can be getting a lot of other things accomplished.
Feed Your Starter
A few hours before you want to mix up a loaf of bread, you’ll want to feed your sourdough starter. I like to keep mine in the refrigerator when I’m not baking a lot, so I usually just pull it out of the refrigerator, put a little bit in a jar and feed it with some flour and water. Then let it set out on the counter for a few hours. I like to feed my starter at night in preparation for baking the next day.

Combine Ingredients
Mix the flour, water and the now active sourdough starter together to form a shaggy dough. After a few minutes add in some salt.
Create Structure In Your Dough
Then you’ll begin a series of stretch and folds, coil folds and/or lamination every 15-30 minutes until the dough is smooth, glossy and holds it shape well. This is much easier than kneading dough, and is explained in detail in the video below. I do not get super technical about doing it every 15 minutes. I just do a stretch and fold etc whenever I think about it. If I’m super busy I will set a timer for myself, because otherwise I might forget the bread altogether.

Bulk Ferment
Then we let it set on the counter for a couple of hours to bulk ferment which allows the sourdough starter to fully take over all the flour and water and start to raise the bread. This is where the health benefits of sourdough bread come from, because all of the phytic acid in the flour is broken down during the fermentation process making this bread much easier for your body to digest.
Shape the bread
Then you shape the bread into a round artisan style loaf and place it in a cloth lined bowl.

Cold Ferment
Place it in the refrigerator for 2-12 hours. This slows down the fermentation process and develops flavor in the bread. The longer you leave the dough in the refrigerator, the more sour it will become. Before refrigeration, loaves were just baked as soon as they were shaped if it was during the summer. And if it was during the winter they might have left it to cold ferment overnight depending on how cold it was.
Bake The Bread
Pre-heat the oven and if using a dutch oven preheat it as well. Pull the bread dough out of the refrigerator, brush with flour, score and bake.

That’s it! This artisan sourdough bread can easily be made during the margins of your day. The process can change a bit depending on if it’s winter or summer and the temperature of your home. My favorite part about making sourdough bread is how flexible it is. If I get called away after only a couple stretch and folds, my bread will sit on the counter and be ready for me to continue with it whenever I come back. Also, if you get interrupted and won’t be back for awhile, you can always put your dough in the refrigerator at any point during the process and come back to it later. That is definitely not something you can with regular yeast bread as easily.
Example of Timing For Making Artisan Sourdough Bread
Sourdough bread is so flexible, it can fit into any schedule. Here’s a couple of examples of how you could fit sourdough baking into the margins of your day.
Option 1
- Before bed feed sourdough starter
- 8:00 a.m. the next morning mix ingredients
- 8:30 a.m. add salt and begin stretch and folds over 2-3 hours
- 11:00 a.m. bulk Ferment for 2-3 hours
- 2:00 p.m. shape and put in refrigerator
- 5:00 p.m. bake in time for supper
- OR
- 7:00 a.m. the next morning – bake in time for breakfast (this is perfect for fresh cinnamon raisin bread)
Option 2 (this would work great if you work away from the house all day)
- 7:00 a.m. Feed your sourdough starter
- 5:30 p.m. Mix your ingredients
- 5:45 p.m. Add salt and begin your stretch and folds every 15 minutes (since this will be a tigher timeline)
- 7:00 p.m. Bulk ferment on counter for 2 hours
- 9:00 p.m. Shape and put into the refrigerator
- 6:00 a.m. Bake
Keys To Success
Thick active sourdough starter
If you have a weak or runny sourdough starter, you’re gonna have flat and sloppy dough. It’s really important to start with a strong and active starter. Learn how to make a healthy sourdough starter without using a scale here. When you’re preparing to make bread especially, be sure to mix your starter thickly – with more flour than water. You want your starter to have a thick pancake like consistency.
Create Good Internal Structure In Your Dough
Work with your dough every few minutes until it has good structure and holds it shape (see video below).
Don’t Overferment
Don’t overferment your dough. Try not to forget the dough sitting on the counter for more than 2-3 hours during the bulk fermentation time. If you overferment your dough it won’t hold it’s shape and will be a sloppy mess. If you get interrupted before the bulk ferment is done and need to leave, just put it in the refrigerator. You can always shape it after it’s been in the refrigerator. Once again, it’s very flexible, but try not to let it sit out on the counter until it ferments into a sloppy ball or it won’t raise much in the oven.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Sourdough Starter?
Sourdough starter is a fermented mix of flour and water that has captured the wild yeast that is in your environment. It uses this yeast to raise your bread so you don’t have to purchase store bought yeast in order to make sourdough artisan bread. As long as you have access to flour, water and salt, you can make this traditional bread.

What Is The Difference Between Sourdough and Artisan Sourdough Bread?
What makes artisan sourdough bread different from other kinds of artisan bread is that it’s made using sourdough starter which has wild yeast in it. This yeast is captured by the fermented flour and water during the fermentation process. This wild yeast is what raises your bread, meaning you don’t need commercial yeast from the grocery store in order to make artisan sourdough bread. Artisan bread made with sourdough starter is much healthier for you and easier for your body to digest. If you purchase artisan sourdough bread from the store for example, and it has commercial yeast in it, then it is not really sourdough bread. It is just regular artisan bread made with commercial yeast.
Can I Make Artisan Sourdough With Discard?
Yes, you can. It will take longer to create good internal structure in the dough and it may not rise as well, but you can still make this recipe with discard. If you are new to sourdough, I would highly recommend making it with active sourdough starter instead of discard, but if you forget to feed your starter and still need to make bread, it will still work.
Is Artisan Sourdough Bread Healthy?
Yes, artisan sourdough bread is healthier than yeast bread because of the phytic acid that is broken down during the fermentation process. A lot of people that are gluten intolerant can eat long fermented sourdough bread without any digestion issues. Sourdough bread also has a lower glycemic index than regular yeast bread and when eaten with a meal it actually lowers the glycemic level of the entire meal. This is really important for people that are diabetic. More information on the glycemic level of sourdough bread here.
What Is The Best Flour For Making Sourdough Bread?
The best flour to use is a bread flour with a protein content of at least 11-14%. My favorite flour for bread baking is from Azure Standard. However, you can make this artisan sourdough bread with whatever flour you have on hand. I’ve made many loaves with bleached all purpose flour and they turn out just fine. If you plan to use whole wheat or whole grain flour, it’s best to make to use half whole grain and half all purpose flour.
What Is Artisan Sourdough Bread?
Artisan sourdough bread is made in small batches with fresh ingredients and is often made in a round shape called a boule.
How Do You Know When Your Sourdough Starter Is Ready To Use?
You’ll want to bake bread with a sourdough starter that has been recently fed and has at least doubled, if not tripled in size. When you feed your sourdough starter you want it to be the consistency of a thick pancake batter. This is what will give you a really strong starter. Once it’s at it’s peak, you can also do the float test by taking a spoonful of the starter and place it in water. If it floats, it is ready to bake with.

How Long Will Artisan Sourdough Bread Keep?
Sourdough bread keeps a lot longer than regular yeast bread because of the fermentation process it goes through while being made. If you keep it wrapped in a beeswax wrap or in a plastic bag, it will keep on your counter for up to two weeks.
Can You Freeze Artisan Sourdough Bread?
Yes, you can freeze artisan sourdough bread. Just wrap it in plastic wrap or place it into a freezer bag and freeze for up to 3 months. To thaw, set it out on the counter until it comes to room temperature. Can be reheated in 350 degree oven for 15 minutes for a fresh chewy sourdough texture.
How Can I Make Different Flavors of Homemade Sourdough Bread?
Making different flavors of sourdough bread is very simple. You can easily add “inclusions” into the dough as you are shaping it before it goes into the refrigerator. Our favorites are cinnamon and raisin, chocolate chip, or jalapeno and cheddar. You can also mix in herbs like garlic and rosemary, or thyme as you mix up the ingredients before doing your stretch and folds.

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Supplies You May Need
Bread Lame Scoring Tool or Razor Blade
Banneton proofing basket (you can also use a towel lined bowl – see video below)
Cast Iron Dutch Oven (optional)
How To Make Artisan Sourdough Bread
Feed Starter
Feed starter 4-12 hours before mixing up your dough
Mix Ingredients
In a large bowl, add water, active sourdough starter, and flour. Mix until it comes together into a shaggy dough. Leave it for 15-30 minutes to “autolyse”. This just means you’re giving the flour a chance to absorb the water and the starter.

Add the salt and “mix” into the dough with a circular motion similar to how a mixer would mix the dough (see video below). Let sit for another 15-30 minutes.

Create Structure In Your Dough
Begin creating structure in your dough by doing a series of stretch and folds, coil folds and/or lamination every 15-30 minutes. You will know your dough has good structure when it holds it shape and starts getting some bubbles on top. Sometimes I only do 2-3 stretch and folds before letting it bulk ferment if I’m in a hurry, but I try to also do 2-3 coil folds and one lamination.

Bulk Ferment
Cover bowl with a loose fitting lid like a plate and leave it in the bowl at room temperature for 2-3 hours to bulk ferment.
Turn dough out onto the counter. If making more than one loaf at a time, divide the dough with a bench scraper. Wet your hands so the dough doesn’t stick to them, and gently spread dough out in a rectangle as thin as you can without tearing it. Add inclusions if desired. Take ⅓ of the dough from one side of the rectangle and fold it towards the middle. Do the same with the other side of the dough, bringing it to the center. Roll up the dough into a ball and create surface tension on the ball by pushing it away from you and then pulling it back towards you several times. (See video). Cover with a damp towel and let the dough rest on the counter for 15-20 minutes.

Turn the dough ball back over and spread it out in a rectangle again. It won’t spread as far this time because it will remember it’s shape from the first time. Fold ⅓ dough towards the center again from each side and roll up as before. Create tension on the dough by pushing it away and pulling it towards you several times. This tension is what will help create good oven spring – which helps the dough rise in the oven instead of spreading out.

Cold Ferment
Place dough upside down in a banneton or tea towel and flour lined bowl. Cover with cloth or plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 2-12 hours. Keep in mind that the dough will raise some while in the refrigerator, but it may not double in size like yeast bread. It does a lot of its raising while baking. Remember, this is very different than baking regular yeast bread.

Preheat Oven
There are two ways you can bake this bread. In a dutch oven or without a dutch oven as an “open baked” loaf. Either method works well. If using the dutch oven method, be sure to place your dutch oven in your oven while it preheats to 450 degrees.
When oven is hot, take sourdough out of the refrigerator and dump it out onto a piece of parchment paper. Your dough should still be holding it’s shape. Brush gently with flour (rice flour makes the scoring stand out the best, but is optional). Score the top of the dough about ¼” deep using whatever designs you desire. A simple cross will work fine for your first time.

Dutch Oven Method
Remove dutch oven from pre-heated oven. Remove lid and quickly place parchment paper with bread on it into the hot dutch oven. Replace lid and quickly place it back into the oven. Place a baking sheet on the rack under the dutch oven so the bottom of your bread doesn’t end up too hard and crusty.
Open Bake Method
Place parchment paper with bread on it onto a baking sheet or pizza stone and place it into the oven. Below it place a baking sheet or pan and pour boiling water into it to create steam. This will help to give your bread a crispy crust with a fluffy inside and will replicate the dutch oven baking.
Reduce heat to 425 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.
Remove the lid if using a dutch oven.
Bake for 15 more minutes until the loaf is a nice golden brown.
Remove bread from oven and place on a cooling rack.

Slice and Enjoy
For best results, wait until bread is cool to slice. Sometimes I can’t wait that long, and slice it sooner. The bread can look gummy if you slice it to soon, but it is so good with fresh butter that sometimes I do it anyway.
The easiest way to slice artisan sourdough bread is to cut it in half, and then lay the halves flat and slice.
We love to eat artisan sourdough with butter and jam, or sliced with butter, garlic and cheese on it and toasted in the oven for garlic bread. You’ll never eat anything more delicious!

If you have never made sourdough bread, I encourage you to take the plunge and try it. After making it a couple times, you won’t even need to look at the recipe. Sourdough bread is all about understanding the process of what happens with the dough, and the easiest way to understand that is to just do it! It’s easiest to learn by doing. Everything you learn may seem foreign to you at first, but after a few tries you will get the hang of it and be baking sourdough with the best of them. If you have any questions as you learn about sourdough and begin your baking journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I am here to help you and want to see you succeed! Remember – you can do this and it is so rewarding! Happy baking friends!
Artisan Sourdough Bread

This artisan sourdough bread recipe is simple and easy and will give you the keys to successfully bake beautiful sourdough bread. This is a great beginners recipe and it’s actually the first sourdough bread I ever made several years ago. I’ve been working with sourdough for over 15 years, and over time I’ve learned a lot of tips and tricks for success that I’m here to share with you. My goal is to make sourdough baking simple for you. Sourdough does not need to take over your life – it can easily fit into the margins of your day. If you follow the steps in this recipe, you’ll learn the art of working with sourdough, and have the satisfaction of making delicious fresh sourdough bread for you and your family.
- 1 1/2 cups warm water (365 grams)
- 1/2 cup active sourdough starter (115 grams)
- 3 1/2 cups flour (bread flour or unbleached all purpose are preferred) (500 grams)
- 1 Tbl. salt (12 grams)
1. Feed starter 4-12 hours before mixing up your dough
2. In a large bowl, add water, active sourdough starter, and flour. Mix until it comes together into a shaggy dough. Leave it for 15-30 minutes to “autolyse”. This just means you’re giving the flour a chance to absorb the water and the starter.
3. Add the salt and “mix” into the dough with a circular motion similar to how a mixer would mix the dough (see video below). Let sit for another 15-30 minutes.
4. Begin creating structure in your dough by doing a series of stretch and folds, coil folds and/or lamination every 15-30 minutes. You will know your dough has good structure when it holds it shape and starts getting some bubbles on top. Sometimes I only do 2-3 stretch and folds before letting it bulk ferment if I’m in a hurry, but I try to also do 2-3 coil folds and one lamination.
5. Cover bowl with a loose fitting lid like a plate and leave it in the bowl at room temperature for 2-3 hours to bulk ferment.
6. Turn dough out onto the counter. If making more than one loaf at a time, divide the dough with a bench scraper. Wet your hands so the dough doesn’t stick to them, and gently spread dough out in a rectangle as thin as you can without tearing it. Add inclusions if desired. Take ⅓ of the dough from one side of the rectangle and fold it towards the middle. Do the same with the other side of the dough, bringing it to the center. Roll up the dough into a ball and create surface tension on the ball by pushing it away from you and then pulling it back towards you several times. (See video). Cover with a damp towel and let the dough rest on the counter for 15-20 minutes.
7. Turn the dough ball back over and spread it out in a rectangle again. It won’t spread as far this time because it will remember it’s shape from the first time. Fold ⅓ dough towards the center again from each side and roll up as before. Create tension on the dough by pushing it away and pulling it towards you several times. This tension is what will help create good oven spring - which helps the dough rise in the oven instead of spreading out.
8. Place dough upside down in a banneton or tea towel and flour lined bowl. Cover with cloth or plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 2-12 hours. Keep in mind that the dough will raise some while in the refrigerator, but it may not double in size like yeast bread. It does a lot of its raising while baking. Remember, this is very different than baking regular yeast bread.
9. There are two ways you can bake this bread. In a dutch oven or without a dutch oven as an “open baked” loaf. Either method works well. If using the dutch oven method, be sure to place your dutch oven in your oven while it preheats to 450 degrees.
10. When oven is hot, take sourdough out of the refrigerator and dump it out onto a piece of parchment paper. Your dough should still be holding it’s shape. Brush gently with flour (rice flour makes the scoring stand out the best, but is optional). Score the top of the dough about ¼” deep using whatever designs you desire. A simple cross will work fine for your first time.
Dutch Oven Method
Remove dutch oven from pre-heated oven. Remove lid and quickly place parchment paper with bread on it into the hot dutch oven. Replace lid and quickly place it back into the oven. Place a baking sheet on the rack under the dutch oven so the bottom of your bread doesn’t end up too hard and crusty.
Open Bake Method
Place parchment paper with bread on it onto a baking sheet or pizza stone and place it into the oven. Below it place a baking sheet or pan and pour boiling water into it to create steam. This will help to give your bread a crispy crust with a fluffy inside and will replicate the dutch oven baking.
Reduce heat to 425 degrees and bake for 25 minutes. Remove the lid if using a dutch oven.
Bake for 15 more minutes until the loaf is a nice golden brown.
Remove bread from oven and place on a cooling rack.
For best results, wait until bread is cool to slice. Sometimes I can’t wait that long, and slice it sooner. The bread can look gummy if you slice it to soon, but it is so good with fresh butter that sometimes I do it anyway.
The easiest way to slice artisan sourdough bread is to cut it in half, and then lay the halves flat and slice.
We love to eat artisan sourdough with butter and jam, or sliced with butter, garlic and cheese on it and toasted in the oven for garlic bread. You’ll never eat anything more delicious!
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Wow. What a well written post! This is such a hot topic and I love sourdough, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so in depth and helpful! Thank you, can’t wait to try this!
Thank you!
I have such a weakness for delicious sourdough bread recipes. Thank you for this recipe. Definitely am going to give it a try!
You’re welcome – let me know how you like it when you try it!
I love the picture you paint of making bread around the fire back in the day. I really need to get back to making sourdough. Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome! It is such a cool thing to be following in the footsteps of our ancestors and making this old fashioned nourishing food.
This page and the video on youtube are fabulous, thanks so much for simplifying everything about this process. I can’t wait to try it your way 🙂
Glad it was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions.
Would there be any reason why the salt can’t be added to the water and starter mixture prior to flour? I just feel like it would incorporate so much easier that way.
Great question! Adding it after the flour has autolysed or fully absorbed all the wet ingredients allows the gluten to develop better, but I have added it before the flour many, many times and it’s always turned out fine. If I’m in a hurry, I always mix it in ahead of the flour :-). Hope that helps you!
Hi LaRee! I’ve just used your recipe and baked my very first loaf of sourdough bread! Well, any bread actually! I love it! I’m hooked! I have a question….
I want to fix the loaf but I don’t want to bake it for about a week. Will it keep in the fridge? Should I freeze it?
Hi Jaymi, congratulations on baking your first loaf of bread! I’m so proud of you! It’s all down hill from here. Yes, I would freeze it after it’s cooled off, and then thaw it out on the counter before you want to eat it. You can always spritz it with a little water, put it back in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or so, and it will be warm and taste like it’s fresh baked.
Hi LaRee, it’s me again. I have another question. I wanted to make a cinnamon raisin loaf for my second loaf.
I added the cinnamon sugar mix and raisins in the first forming of the rectangle. When I brought it out of the refrigerator after 30 minutes it was all wet and loose. I ignored it and made another rectangle anyway and formed the loaf. I baked it anyway. It came out fine! A little shorter than my first loaf but was still very good.
I guess my question is should I expect the sugar mix to make it watery? If not, then what went wrong?