Learn To Grow A simple, sustainable life On A Modern Day Homestead

homemade butter
honey crisp apples on the tree how to can apples
cooking sweet corn until color changes
making sweet dill pickles
cheesey sourdough stromboli
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About LaRee

homeschool mom. Wife. market gardener. chef. homesteader.

Hi! I’m LaRee and I live with my husband Trent and our five kids on our 40 acre homestead in Nebraska. I’m a Nebraska native and I was blessed to grow up homesteading before it was a popular trend…I’m excited to share with you all the things I’ve learned over the years that help our family of seven to live simply, frugally and sustainably. To help connect the dots between growing food you will actually eat, preserving the food you grow, and cooking that same food so you can feed your family without depending on the grocery store.